How large are the files recorded by ClonerAlliance products?

ClonerAlliance products record approximately 1GB per 14mins at 1080p.

Take ClonerAlliance Box’s files for example: 2-hour 1080p video takes up 16.2G. 2-hour 1080i video takes up 9G. 2-hour 720p video takes up 9G. 2-hour 480p video takes up 3.6G.

ClonerAlliance Box Pro records approximately 1GB per 15mins at 1080p.

2-hour 1080p video takes up 8.48GB. 2-hour 720p video takes up 6.9GB.

FYI. You can also use remote to adjust bitrate. The higher the bitrate is, the larger the recorded file will be.

ClonerAlliance Box Evolve records approximately 1GB per 15mins at 1080p.

2-hour 1080p video takes up around 8.57GB. 2-hour 720p video takes up around 8.20GB.

FYI. You can also use remote to adjust bitrate. The higher the bitrate is, the larger the recorded file will be.