How to use mp4-cloner command line?

How to using console command to combine mp4 file?

First use the console to enter the mp4-cloner installation directory. then using below command: mp4combine.exe -i <input file1> <input file2> … -o <out file> eg: mp4combine.exe -i “f:mp4001_trimmed.mp4” “f:mp4001_trimmed2.mp4” “f:mp4001_trimmed3.mp4” -o “f:mp4001_combined.mp4”

How to using console command to trim mp4 file?

First use the console to enter the mp4-cloner installation directory. then using below command: Mp4Splitter.exe <input file> <timebegin~timeend> <out file> eg: Mp4Splitter.exe “f:mp4001_combined.mp4” “00:01:00~00:01:30” “f:mp4001.trimed.mp4” This command allows you to get 30 seconds of video content, it starts from 1 minute of the source video.

If you want to trim multiple sections of video, you can use the command: Mp4Splitter.exe “f:mp4001_combined.mp4” “00:01:00~00:01:30, 00:02:00~00:06:00,00:08:00~00:09:00” “f:mp4001.trimed.mp4” This command allows you to get 5 minutes and 30 seconds of video content.